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useWhile (since v1.0.0)

Diagnostic Category: lint/style/useWhile


Enforce the use of while loops instead of for loops when the initializer and update expressions are not needed.

for (; x.running;) {
code-block.js:1:1 lint/style/useWhile  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

   Use a while loop instead of a for loop.
  > 1 │ for (; x.running;) {
    2 │     x.step();
    3 │ }
   Prefer a while loop over a for loop without initialization and update.
   Safe fix: Use a while loop.
    1  - for·(;·x.running;)·{
      1+ while·(x.running)·{
    2 2      x.step();
    3 3  }
for(let x = 0; x < 10; i++) {}
let x = 0
for(; x < 10; i++) {}
for(let x = 0; x < 10;) {